The First Steps

First Steps to Start

1. Register Your Account

Begin your journey to a distraction-free digital environment with these simple steps:
• Sign up to create your account:

Create Account

2. Tailor a productivity schedule that harmonizes with your rhythm.

The 'Focus Schedule' feature in Focus Monk is your roadmap to a productive week. By structuring your days with dedicated focus and break times, you create a rhythm that aligns with your energy levels and tasks. Whether you're working on a project, studying for exams, or pursuing a personal goal, the Focus Schedule ensures you have a plan in place.

✨ Remember, it's not about working non-stop; it's about working smart. And with Focus Monk's scheduling tool, you're in control of your time.
Focus Schedule

📌 Days

• Choose specific days of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) to set your focus schedule.
• Customize each day based on your work requirements and personal preferences.

3. Choose apps and URLs that enhance your productivity.

Choose apps and URLs that enhance your productivity.

📌 Strict Lock Mode

As the name suggests, this mode strictly blocks access to all non-essential apps, ensuring maximum focus.
It's best for users who want a rigorous, distraction-free environment.

📌 Soft Lock Mode

This mode restricts access to certain apps but allows for exceptions based on user preferences. It's ideal for those who want some level of control but also need flexibility.
Note: The soft lock mode is currently under development and will be available soon. For now, the strict lock mode is recommended.

📌 Select Productive Apps

Choose apps that enhance your productivity and are essential for your day-to-day tasks.
By whitelisting these apps, you ensure they remain accessible even during focused sessions.

4. Download & Install Focus Monk

Get the Focus Monk app on both your desktop and mobile.


This section facilitates the installation of the Focus Monk application across a range of devices and operating systems. By providing direct download links for various platforms, Focus Monk ensures that users can seamlessly integrate the app into their digital ecosystem, regardless of their device preference.

5. Open Focus Monk App

📌 Earning Coins Status

Dive into Your Productive Environment
Once installed, open the app to view your gamification features:
• Rewards: Earned by completing tasks and staying focused.
• Focus Time: Track the number of hours or minutes you’ve remained undistracted.
• Rank: See where you stand compared to other users. Challenge yourself to climb the leaderboard!
• Coins: Earn coins for your undistracted time and use them for in-app benefits.

Every minute of focused work earns the user 1 coin.
However, a special notification, complete with celebratory confetti, is sent every 23 minutes of deep work.

✨ This marks our recommended time for a healthy pause, boosting productivity and well-being.

While it's up to the employee or employer to take this break, it's our best practice suggestion for an efficient work environment.

📌 Today's Focus Time

The "Today's Focus Time" is a dynamic feature in Focus Monk that tracks and displays the amount of time you've dedicated to focused work throughout the current day.
As you engage in work sessions, the "Today's Focus Time" counter will incrementally load, reflecting the minutes and hours you've spent in deep work.
This visual representation serves as both a motivator and a record, encouraging users to maintain or even surpass their previous focus durations.

📌 Duty Time is Over Status

The "Duty Time is Over" status appears when you've completed your designated work hours or tasks for the day.
Focus Monk allows users or team managers to set a specific "duty time" or work duration for each day.
Once you've reached or surpassed this set duration, the status "Duty Time is Over" will be displayed, indicating that you've fulfilled your work commitments for the day.

Focus Monk updates are automatic! If there's a new version, simply restart the app to enjoy the latest features and improvements.

First Steps to Start

Managing a team on Focus Monk is not just about monitoring performance; it's about creating an environment where everyone can thrive. As a team manager, you have the tools and features at your fingertips to ensure your team remains focused, productive, and aligned with company objectives. Remember, it's a collaborative journey, and with Focus Monk, you're well-equipped to lead the way.

1. Register as a Company Account

• Navigate to the Focus Monk registration page:
• Choose the option to register as a company.
• Fill in the required company details and complete the registration process.

Register Company

2. Accessing the Company Dashboard:

Once registered, log in using your company account credentials.
As a team manager, you'll be directed to the company dashboard, which offers features tailored for team management.

3. Adding Team Members:

On the dashboard, locate the option to add team members.
You can manually add members one-by-one.
As a team manager, you have the privilege to create passwords for your team members, ensuring a streamlined onboarding process.

4. Setting Up the Digital Environment:

Choose the apps and tools that are essential for your team's productivity.

📌 Soft Lock Mode

This mode restricts access to certain apps but allows for exceptions based on user preferences. It's ideal for those who want some level of control but also need flexibility.
• Note: The soft lock mode is currently under development and will be available soon. For now, the strict lock mode is recommended.

📌 Strict Lock Mode

As the name suggests, this mode strictly blocks access to all non-essential apps, ensuring maximum focus. It's best for users who want a rigorous, distraction-free environment.

📌 Select Productive App's

Choose the apps and tools that are essential for your team's productivity.

5. Monitoring Team Performance:

As a team manager, you can track the performance and productivity metrics of each team member.
View individual traction, time schedules, and app usage to ensure everyone remains focused and aligned with company goals.

6. Customizing Team Schedules:

Set specific time schedules for your team members, ensuring everyone has a structured workday.
This feature allows for a balance between work and breaks, promoting optimal productivity.

Focus Schedule

7. Downloading the App on Various Devices:

Direct your team members to the "Downloads" section of Focus Monk.
Ensure everyone installs the app on their respective devices for a unified productivity experience.


8. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback:

Regularly review team performance metrics.
Provide feedback, recognize top performers, and offer support to those who might need it.
Foster a culture of continuous improvement and open communication.

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Navigating through the tools

My performance

The "My Performance" feature in the Focus Monk app provides users with detailed insights into their productivity metrics. It's designed to help users understand how they're spending their time, what's aiding their productivity, and what's hindering it. Here's a breakdown of the metrics:

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📌 Today Total:

• This metric displays the total amount of time you've spent working or being productive today. It's a cumulative measure of all your focused sessions throughout the day.
• By monitoring this, you can gauge how much effective work you've done on any given day.

📌 Today Average

• This metric provides an average of your focused sessions for the day.
• For instance, if you've had four focused sessions of 25, 30, 20, and 35 minutes, your "Today Average" would be the average of these sessions. It helps you understand the typical length of your concentration spans.

📌 Today Time Lost to Distractions

• Contrary to "Time Saved", this metric shows the amount of time you've lost today due to distractions.
• Whether it's unscheduled breaks, checking your phone, or any other off-task activities, this metric quantifies the time that could have been used productively.

📌 Coin Earnings

"The 'Coin Earnings' section in Focus Monk transforms your productivity journey into a rewarding experience.
• As you stay focused and complete tasks, you earn virtual coins.
• These coins aren't just numbers; they're a reflection of your dedication and hard work.
• By tracking your coin earnings, you get a tangible sense of achievement, making the process of staying productive even more satisfying."

📌 Earnings History

The 'Earnings History' section in Focus Monk is your personal productivity timeline. It's not just about the coins; it's a reflection of your dedication, consistency, and growth. By regularly reviewing your earnings history, you can celebrate your achievements, learn from past patterns, and set future goals. It's a tool that turns your hard work into a story of progress.

Focus Schedule

The 'Focus Schedule' feature in Focus Monk is your roadmap to a productive week. By structuring your days with dedicated focus and break times, you create a rhythm that aligns with your energy levels and tasks. Whether you're working on a project, studying for exams, or pursuing a personal goal, the Focus Schedule ensures you have a plan in place.
Remember, it's not about working non-stop; it's about working smart. And with Focus Monk's scheduling tool, you're in control of your time.

Focus Schedule image

📌 Days

• Choose specific days of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) to set your focus schedule.
• Customize each day based on your work requirements and personal preferences.

📌 Status (Open/Close)

• Toggle the status of each day to "Open" or "Close.""Open" indicates that you've set a focus schedule for that day, while "Close" means you won't be following a specific schedule.
• This flexibility allows you to adapt your schedule for days off, holidays, or any other non-workdays.

📌 Duty Time

• Set the total amount of time you plan to work or be "on duty" for each day.
• This is the cumulative time of all your focused sessions, excluding breaks.

📌 Break Time

• Allocate specific periods during the day for breaks.
• Breaks are essential to refresh and recharge, ensuring you can maintain high levels of focus during your duty time.
• You can set multiple break times throughout the day, depending on your needs.

📌 Remove Break Time

• If you've set a break but later decide it's unnecessary, use this option to remove that specific break from your schedule.
• This feature ensures your schedule remains flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.

Apps Control

The 'Apps Control' feature in Focus Monk is your digital gatekeeper. In today's world, our devices are filled with apps, some of which aid our productivity, while others pull us into a spiral of endless scrolling. With Focus Monk's Apps Control, you decide which apps deserve your attention and which ones should take a backseat.
Whether you need a gentle nudge away from distractions with the Soft Lock Mode or a complete digital detox with the Strict Lock Mode, Focus Monk has got you covered. Remember, in the battle for your attention, you're the commander, and Apps Control is your strategy.

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📌 Strict Lock Mode

• As the name suggests, this mode strictly blocks access to all non-essential apps, ensuring maximum focus.
• It's best for users who want a rigorous, distraction-free environment.

📌 Soft Lock Mode

This mode restricts access to certain apps but allows for exceptions based on user preferences. It's ideal for those who want some level of control but also need flexibility.
Note: The soft lock mode is currently under development and will be available soon. For now, the strict lock mode is recommended.

📌 Select Productive Apps

• Choose apps that enhance your productivity and are essential for your day-to-day tasks.
• By whitelisting these apps, you ensure they remain accessible even during focused sessions.

📌 Recommended by Focus Monk

• Get suggestions from Focus Monk on apps that are generally considered productive.
• These recommendations are based on user feedback and data, helping you discover tools that might boost your efficiency.

📌 Most Distracted Apps

• View a list of apps that often divert your attention or disrupt your focus.
• This insight helps you make informed decisions about which apps to restrict during work sessions.

📌 Pool Apps

• This is a repository of all apps on your device.
• From here, you can decide which apps to whitelist (allow) and which to blacklist (restrict).

📌 Browse App URLs/Search for Apps

• If you're unsure about an app's productivity value, you can browse its URL for more information.
• Use the search function to quickly find and manage specific apps in your digital workspace.

Adds Members (For Company's)

The "Add Members" feature in Focus Monk is designed to streamline the process of onboarding team members to the platform. As a team manager, you can effortlessly add, manage, and oversee your team's productivity metrics.

app members list png

📌 Accessing the "Add Members" Feature

• Navigate to your company dashboard on Focus Monk.
• Locate and click on the "Add Members" option, typically found in the sidebar or under a "Team Management" tab.

📌 Manual Addition of Team Members

• Navigate to your company dashboard on Focus Monk.
• Locate and click on the "Add Members" option, typically found in the sidebar or under a "Team Management" tab.

📌 Setting Permissions and Roles

• Once members are added, you can assign specific roles or permissions based on their responsibilities within the team.
• Roles might include "Team Member," "Team Lead," "Project Manager," etc. Each with varying levels of access and control within the platform.

📌 Monitoring and Managing Added Members

• View the list of all added members, along with their roles and current status (active, inactive).
• As a team manager, you can edit member details, reset passwords, or even remove members if necessary.

📌 Notifications and Onboarding

• Once added, team members will receive an email notification with their login credentials and a link to access Focus Monk.
• Encourage new members to log in, change their password, and familiarize themselves with the platform.


The 'Members' feature in Focus Monk is a comprehensive dashboard tailored for teams. Whether you're a manager overseeing a group or a team member curious about your performance, this section offers valuable insights.
From gamified rewards like coins to crucial metrics like task completion rates, the Members feature ensures that every aspect of a team member's productivity is transparent and trackable. It's not just about individual achievements; it's about fostering a culture of accountability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

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Members Report (For Company's)

This section provides an overview of each member's performance metrics, allowing team leaders or managers to gain insights into individual productivity and contributions. It's a comprehensive dashboard that reflects both the work habits and achievements of each member.

Member report png

📌 Rank

• Displays the member's position or standing based on their performance metrics compared to other members.
• Helps identify top performers and those who might need additional support or resources.

📌 Total Time Saved

• Shows the cumulative amount of time a member has saved by staying focused and avoiding distractions.
• A higher value indicates consistent productivity and effective time management.

📌 Total Earned Coins

• Represents the total number of virtual coins a member has earned through focused sessions.
• It's a gamified metric that rewards productivity and can be used to incentivize performance.

📌 Working Hours Performance

• Provides insights into how effectively a member utilizes their working hours.
• Compares actual productive hours against the total available working hours.

📌 Yearly Average Working Time

• Gives an average of the total working hours of a member over the year.
• Useful for annual performance reviews and planning future work schedules.

📌 Yearly Average Coins

• Displays the average number of coins a member has earned per day over the year.
• Reflects the member's overall productivity and consistency throughout the year.

📌 Open Environment

• Indicates whether a member's digital workspace is open (accessible to others) or private.
• Helps in fostering transparency and collaboration within the team.

📌 % of Completed Tasks On Time

• Shows the percentage of tasks a member has completed within the set deadlines.
• A crucial metric for assessing reliability and time management skills.
Note: Coming Soon

📌 Office Come On Time

• Tracks a member's punctuality in arriving at the office or starting their workday.
• Useful for monitoring adherence to office hours and overall discipline.
Note: Coming Soon

📌 Attendance

• Records the number of days a member has been present and active.
• Essential for HR purposes and assessing overall commitment and availability.
Note: Coming Soon

My Plan

In Focus Monk, you have the flexibility to select the subscription plan that best fits your needs. Opt for an individual plan billed monthly for continuous access to all features without a long-term commitment. Alternatively, choose the annual option to enjoy a full year of Focus Monk benefits at a discounted rate.
Individual Plan: Billed monthly, this plan offers all the premium features of Focus Monk, perfect for personal productivity and focus.
Annual Plan: Commit to a year of productivity and save with our discounted rate. Billed in one payment, it's the economical choice for dedicated users. Select the plan that aligns with your goals and start enhancing your productivity today!

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This section facilitates the installation of the Focus Monk application across a range of devices and operating systems. By providing direct download links for various platforms, Focus Monk ensures that users can seamlessly integrate the app into their digital ecosystem, regardless of their device preference.

focus monk logo png

Focus Monk App

📌 Earning Coins

Dive into Your Productive Environment
Once installed, open the app to view your gamification features:
• Rewards: Earned by completing tasks and staying focused.
• Focus Time: Track the number of hours or minutes you’ve remained undistracted.
• Rank: See where you stand compared to other users. Challenge yourself to climb the leaderboard!
• Coins: Earn coins for your undistracted time and use them for in-app benefits.
Every minute of focused work earns the user 1 coin.
However, a special notification, complete with celebratory confetti, is sent every 23 minutes of deep work.

✨ This marks our recommended time for a healthy pause, boosting productivity and well-being.

While it's up to the employee or employer to take this break, it's our best practice suggestion for an efficient work environment.

📌 Today's Focus Time

The "Today's Focus Time" is a dynamic feature in Focus Monk that tracks and displays the amount of time you've dedicated to focused work throughout the current day.
• As you engage in work sessions, the "Today's Focus Time" counter will incrementally load, reflecting the minutes and hours you've spent in deep work.
• This visual representation serves as both a motivator and a record, encouraging users to maintain or even surpass their previous focus durations.

📌 Duty Time is Over Status

The "Duty Time is Over" status appears when you've completed your designated work hours or tasks for the day.
Focus Monk allows users or team managers to set a specific "duty time" or work duration for each day.
Once you've reached or surpassed this set duration, the status "Duty Time is Over" will be displayed, indicating that you've fulfilled your work commitments for the day.

📌 Update

Focus Monk updates are automatic! If there's a new version, simply restart the app to enjoy the latest features and improvements.

Have a question?
Contact us now